On September 16, 2023, an interactive session on "Diet, Lifestyle, GI Cancers, and Maintaining Healthy Bones & Joints" was held at Eternal Multispeciality Hospital, Jaipur. This event was organized by Red Ribbon Units of S.S. Jain Subodh Girls P.G College Sanganer and S.S. Jain Mahila Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavidhyalaya, Jaipur, in collaboration with Eternal Hospital.

Dr. Rita Jain, the college Principal, extended a warm welcome, and the session commenced with valuable insights. Dr. Kapileshwar Vijay, Director & HOD of GI Surgery, emphasized the importance of a healthy diet, regular exercise, and precautions against GI Cancers.

In the second session, Dr. Aditya Soral, Senior Consultant in Orthopaedics, provided guidance on maintaining healthy bones, balanced protein intake, and dispelling common diet myths.

The event concluded with Mr. Nitesh Tiwari addressing stress management to promote overall well-being. The Red Ribbon Units Coordinators, Dr. Poonam Panghal and Dr. Satish Saini, played key roles in organizing this informative session.

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